I've only just realised that the reason nobody seems to be seeing any of my entries is because I screwed up the "About Me" sticky which then meant I had to click the "date out of order" option for all my entries which meant they weren't showing up on flists. *headdesk*
I've only just realised today that I seem to have a critical aversion to actually commenting on LJ posts. I have a habit of reading, lolling/awwing/whatever-ing, trying to think of something to say and going off and doing something else in the meantime, only to come back, see the open tab, go "WTF HAVE I GOT THAT OPEN FOR?!" and close it,
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Recently I've been getting a little unsettled by the fact that people I haven't spoken to before and haven't friended/been friended by have been leaving comments in my journal. Most of them are lovely, and I don't mind as it's not like it's in response to something very personal, but there are a few that...haven't been so nice
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In my last post here, I stated that I would be trying to break my internet addiction. It hasn't really worked all that well, as I've also come to realise that being online is simply one of my coping strategies for when I'm down. I struggled more, not having that comfort this past week when I needed it, and I think that instead of trying to go cold
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I've got that odd sort of in-between feeling where you don't quite know whether life is totally effing brilliant or downright suck-ish. On one hand, I had very little homework tonight and no choir, and we had cherry pie at tea, but on the other hand my back is still killing me, I feel sort of sick and slightly overwhelmed by internet!life atm. I'
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